if a photo is worth a thousand words

what is a video worth?


Wedding, Elopement & Lifestyle Photographer & Videographer

Female Wedding Photographer & Videographer.

A creative force behind the lens, with a journey that began as a singer, evolved into jewellery design, and found her true calling in photography and filmmaking 14 years ago.

If you’re looking for someone who’ll make the experience of being photographed feel effortless, fun, and downright amazing, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s chat!

by the time of your wedding, I will be a familiar face.

weddings for me are about connection,


Laurie B is truly amazing. laurie and her team made my husband and I feel comfortable from our first meeting. She put ourselves and our guests at ease and captured some really beautiful and unique moments we will cherish always.

Hannah & Mat

devon wedding photographer